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And this is why I use a flip phone…


My friend Robina told me yesterday that she hates her new washing machine, and gets anxious when she has to use it. I told her I have seen the new machines and used them at a friend’s house, and I knew exactly what she meant. Too many blinking lights, choices, sounds. Were these designed for the pinball generation? Methinks not, despite the multi-sensory entertainment they provide. I still have the “old” oven set; 2 electric wall ovens, non-electronic. Manual dials. So easy to use! No pressing and beeping, no fumbling, no cursing. Same reason I am using a flip phone, by choice. I have 2 smart phones for other purposes. But (every day) when I need a phone that is simple, not easily breakable, that does the job well, that’s frugal and easily replaceable if lost, well that is why I carry a flip phone. Low tech solutions can be better!


Like things the way they used to be?

As Twifties, we spent over 2/3 of our lives writing with pen and paper. It is efficient! I have created a pad and pen set that is compact, fun, portable and will help you have your notes handy where and when you need them. I pitched it in the HSN new invention contest, and now I am selling it on Twifties.Gifts. You can see my 2 minute video pitch for the Twifties Idea Deck here.

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Now is our time of life to do things we like to do!


Today I went to a Repair Cafe in my town. The 2nd one we have had. What a great group of people was there, both giving and receiving. A high vibration, VibeMatch event. Btw, I just remembered that I have a movie of THE VIBEMATCH MACHINE in use at a party, in that very room, from a few years ago. Anyway, a nice couple answered my questions about too many pictures in my phone and if you erase them on your phone after they are in the cloud, do they still exist in the cloud? (Surprisingly, NO!) The person in front of me had the same issue. The person after me spent all day at the tech table getting help with her laptop, and was most appreciative. My point is, simple tech help is a highly valued commodity amongst people who are having a tech problem, or are about to. The people who know how to fix common issues that happen on our devices, should be able to offer their services to people who need them, at a reasonable price, if this kind of work is something they enjoy. It can even turn into a gratifying and successful new later life career. Right in line with the idealogy of the Twifties Lifestyle. Now is our time of life to do things we like to do!

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Twifties Lifestyle


What if your bankroll isn’t big enough?

To live the Twifties Lifestyle means…living your life now! There’s no time like the present. People our age can die! So what if you don’t have what is considered a big enough bankroll to go live the life you want to live?

Should we put off our lives until we have “enough” money? Whatever that is?
Conventional wisdom says, yes, “Do not spend your retirement money now, no matter how much fine fun it might allow you to have, in the present.”

I have left conventional wisdom behind, after pretty much going along with conventional wisdom for most of my life. But I always knew I was a rebel. Just ask my ski friend Vic how I combine different patterns in my outfits! My gut instinct tells me to spend the money I need now to have the best possible time I can have in life. This is what I call The Twifties Lifestyle. Will I win, or will I lose? Come along on my journey, with me and find out!

Twifties Wisdom

I am beautiful, as I am.

Efficiency is…Efficient!